Yoga positions

Yoga positions or the so called Yogasanas are the part of Yoga philosophy. Some use the term exercises which is not absolutely correct. During exercises main thing is to move your muscles while during Yoga positions individuals try to achieve steady pose.

Probably you would be interested in how many such positions there exist. Well nobody could give you the right answer as there are many of the states your body can get into. In general positions are divided into standing, sitting, supine and prone. There will be given two examples of each position for you to get an idea.

Standing yoga positions

One of the standing positions is a tree pose (vrikshasana).Steps to achieve it: feel the weight on all for corners of your  feet, take your hands from the sides and raise above the head with the palms joined together. Then begin to stand on your toes and with the raised hands pull the whole body upwards as much as possible and try to keep the balance. It helps to remove the strains.

Half moon pose (ardha chandrasana) is beneficial for ankles, thighs and improves your balance as well. From the standing pose bring your left hand to your hip and the right hand to the floor with the fingertips on the floor. While straightening the right foot kick the left foot up, make it straight and horizontal to the floor tows looking forward. Then feeling balanced enough raise the left arm towards the ceiling making the line with the right hand. Lastly look towards your left hand fingertips. The same is done with the left side.

Sitting yoga positions

The one interesting and challenging sitting pose is monkey pose (hanumasana). It will help you to pull out your groins and keep your legs strong. In order to make it sit kneeling with your thighs vertical to the floor. Pull the right leg straight to the front with the heels on the floor. Begin to slide your left leg behind you. Keep your hips looking forward. Be careful and let your self come down as far as it is comfortable. In other way you can strain your tendons.

Another one to mention is the lotus pose (padmasana). It a Yoga classic pose which is known probably to everyone. It is called so as the legs look like blooming lotus. In the sitting position spread both your legs and keep at a distance of twelve inches. Then bend your left leg in knee and put its toe on the right thigh, do the same with another leg. Also keep your wrists on the appropriate legs.

Supine yoga positions

Speaking about the supine positions one of the well known is legs up the wall (viparitakarani). Lying down begin to raise your legs till you reach the angle of 90 degrees. Then raise your waist pushing the legs backwards. With the help of hands (elbows are placed on the floor) straighten the legs and make the finger toes look to the ceilings. Precautions should be taken for people having heart or high blood pressure problems.

Fish pose (matsyantsana) makes your chest and throught open. In the supine position spread your legs and make them like in lotus pose. With the elbows placed on the floor raise your head and put the top of it on the floor. At the same time hog your back making the shape of the arch and keep the toes with your arms.

Prone yoga positions

The two last examples will reflect the prone position. Vajrasana position is good for your digestive system as creates the pressure in the abdominal area what results in its better functioning. For this position place your both hands back and lock only with the thumbs. Then bend the waist and put your forehead on the floor.

The simple and relaxing one is astashirasana position. You need to bend forward in waist and put your palms on the jaws. In all the positions don’t forget to breath normally and make all the moves slowly.

Yoga clothes are important for feeling good at the time of positions. There are basically no special requirements except clothes have to be comfortable, fit you right, they need to absorb sweat and look good on you.

0 thoughts on “Yoga positions”

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